Seed Storage with Oxygen Absorbers and Desiccants


Seeds of Wisdom: Using Oxygen Absorbers and Desiccants for Seed Storage

Preserving seeds ensures a continuous supply of plants for future generations. Whether you're a seasoned gardener, a survivalist preparing for unforeseen events, or a passionate plant enthusiast, the longevity of seeds is a shared concern.

Mylar Gusset Bags: A Secure Haven for Seeds

Mylar Gusset Bags provide an excellent solution for seed storage, available in both 7 Mil & 5 Mil thickness per side. Their durable, light-resistant material acts as a barrier against external elements, safeguarding the seeds from moisture, light, and pests. The resealable feature of these bags allows for easy access while maintaining a secure seal to protect your seeds.

Oxygen Absorbers: The Silent Guardians of Freshness

PackFreshUSA's Oxygen Absorbers (OAPs) play a crucial role in creating an oxygen-free environment within the Mylar bags. The iron powder in these packets absorbs any residual oxygen, preventing oxidation and the growth of mold or bacteria. This process significantly extends the shelf life of your seeds, ensuring they remain viable for extended periods. Our high-capacity oxygen absorbers can absorb 180% - 300% of their rating to have a substantial buffer of safety and to allow handling time. Unused packs can be placed into a mason jar or re-sealed to reduce exposure and waste when not being used.


Desiccants: Controlling Moisture for Optimal Viability

In the battle against moisture, Food-Safe Natural Desiccants emerge as the unsung heroes. Desiccants act as buffers, regulating moisture levels and preventing the growth of mold and other harmful organisms. Explore our selection of Food-Safe Natural Desiccants HERE, known for being natural, non-toxic, acid-free, and environmentally friendly.

Steps to Optimal Seed Storage:

  1. Select High-Quality Seeds: Begin with premium, disease-free seeds for optimal results.
  2. Choose Mylar Gusset Bags: Utilize PackFreshUSA's Mylar Gusset Bags for a durable and protective seed storage solution.
  3. Incorporate Oxygen Absorbers: Add the appropriate number of Oxygen Absorbers based on the bag size to create an oxygen-free environment.
  4. Include Desiccant Packets (Optional): For areas with high humidity, consider adding Food-Safe Natural Desiccants to control moisture levels.
  5. Seal and Label: Ensure a tight seal on the Mylar bag and label it with the seed type and storage date for easy identification.
  6. Store in a Cool, Dark Place: Keep your sealed Mylar bags in a cool, dark, and dry location to maintain optimal conditions for seed viability.
  7. Regularly Check and Replace: Periodically inspect your stored seeds for any signs of moisture or damage. Replace oxygen absorbers and desiccants as needed to ensure continued protection.


Preserving seeds is an investment in the future, and the right tools can make all the difference. With Mylar gusset bags, oxygen absorbers, and desiccants from PackFreshUSA, you can confidently store your seeds, knowing they are shielded from the elements. Embrace the journey of safeguarding genetic diversity and ensuring a bountiful tomorrow.


Visit PackFreshUSA for premium packaging solutions for your seeds and more!


If you have questions about emergency food storage, selecting the right packaging or product for your needs, don't hesitate to reach out to us at: - Toll Free: (844) 857-8277