Shipping & Returns

PackFreshUSA Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. All returns must comply with the terms outlined below. Returns made outside the 30-day window will not be accepted to ensure product quality and inventory control.

Restocking Fees 
All returns are subject to a restocking fee, which will vary based on the condition of the items being returned:

  • Unopened Items: Subject to a 10% restocking fee.
  • Opened but Undamaged Items: Subject to a 15% restocking fee.
  • Incomplete Items: Subject to a 25% restocking fee.

Restocking fees will be deducted from the refund amount.

Shipping Costs

  • If the return is a result of our error (e.g., you received an incorrect or defective item), we will cover the cost of return shipping.
  • For other returns, customers are responsible for return shipping costs.

Refund Processing
You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper. This time period includes:

  • Transit Time: 5 to 10 business days for the return package to reach us.
  • Processing Time: 3 to 5 business days for us to inspect and process your return.
  • Bank Processing Time: 5 to 10 business days for your bank to finalize the refund transaction.

Return Instructions
If you need to return an item, please contact us with your order number and details about the product you wish to return. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions for completing your return.


  • Items returned without prior authorization will not be processed.
  • Returned items must be adequately packaged to avoid damage during transit; damaged returns may be subject to higher restocking fees.
  • Condition Determination: We reserve the right to determine the condition of returned items. Products that are excessively used or damaged will not be eligible for a refund.

PackFreshUSA Shipping Policy

We strive to ship to virtually any address in the world. However, please note the following:

  • International Orders: Orders for international destinations cannot be placed directly through our website. For international shipping inquiries, please contact us or fill out our Worldwide Shipping Form. Our team will provide a shipping estimate and assist you in manually placing your order.
  • Shipping Restrictions: Some products may be subject to restrictions and cannot be shipped to certain locations.

Shipping Estimates
When you place an order, we provide estimated shipping and delivery dates based on item availability and the shipping options you select. These estimates are displayed on the shipping quotes page. Please note that actual delivery times may vary depending on the shipping provider.

Weight-Based Shipping Rates
Shipping rates for many of our products are based on weight. In accordance with our shipping providers' policies, weights are rounded up to the next full pound.

Returned Orders
If an order is returned to us due to an incorrect or incomplete address:

  • Please refer to our Return Policy for refund information.
  • If you would like your order reshipped to a corrected or updated address, a shipping fee may apply.


If you have any questions regarding our shipping policy, feel free to contact us.