How to Store Kale Chips

Kale Chips

How to Store Kale Chips

To store kale chips and keep them crispy and fresh, follow these steps:

  • Cool Completely: Allow the kale chips to cool completely before attempting to store them. This will prevent condensation and moisture buildup.
  • Use Airtight Container: Transfer the kale chips to an airtight container. This could be a resealable plastic bag, a glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, or a food storage container specifically designed to keep snacks crispy.
  • Add a Desiccant: If possible, you can add a desiccant packet to the container. Desiccant packets help absorb any moisture that might accumulate inside the container, helping to maintain the crunchiness of the kale chips.
  • Layering: If you're storing multiple batches of kale chips, it's a good idea to place a sheet of parchment paper or paper towel between layers to prevent them from sticking together and becoming soggy.
  • Avoid Humidity: Keep the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity. Moisture and heat can quickly make the chips lose their crispiness.
  • Don't Overfill: Avoid overfilling the container, as this can lead to crushing the kale chips and making them lose their texture.
  • Re-Crisping: If you find that your kale chips have become slightly less crispy, you can try re-crisping them in the oven for a few minutes. Preheat the oven to a low temperature (around 300°F or 150°C), spread the chips on a baking sheet in a single layer, and bake for a few minutes until they regain their crispiness. Keep a close eye on them to prevent overcooking.

Remember that kale chips are best enjoyed soon after making them, as they tend to lose their crispiness over time due to the moisture content in the kale. However, following these steps should help you extend their shelf life and maintain their texture for a little longer.

If you want an extra layer of protection for your kale chips, consider using PackFreshUSA Food-Safe Desiccants. These desiccants are specifically designed to absorb moisture and keep your snacks, like kale chips, crispy and fresh for longer periods.

Food-Safe Desiccants

With PackFreshUSA Food-Safe Desiccants, you can enhance the storage of your kale chips, ensuring they maintain their delicious crunchiness every time you snack on them. Check them out today!