Hurricane Evacuation Packing List

Weathering the Storm: Hurricane Evacuation Packing List


Hurricane Preparedness Week is upon us and we would like to assist you on ways to prepare for an emergency disaster. When an emergency disaster strikes, you and your family may need to evacuate without any notice. What better way is there when this happens than to be prepared. Let’s take the time to create a well-thought-out list of goods that can be packed ahead and easy to grab during an emergency evacuation. We are really going to stress the importance of long-term storage for food, water, and warmth by the use of mylar bags. We have created the perfect emergency preparedness bundle to help you get started.


Why is it important to have a designated evacuation bag ready?

Hurricanes and other natural disasters can be unpredictable, and result in an evacuation that comes with no notice. Being confident that you have a packing list ready can save you and your family valuable time while reassuring that you have everything you need to be comfortable during the evacuation. 


Necessities for an Emergency Evacuation

  1. Life Saving Documents: There are many documents that can be used for identification, such as your birth certificate, social security card, and passport. Along with your identification, your medical insurance and medical records will be very helpful incase of an emergency during your evacuation. Lastly, don’t forget a cash supply or even a credit card.  All of these documents need to be kept dry in order to preserve them. By placing them in an appropriately sized mylar bag with the corresponding oxygen absorber, you can be assured that your documents will remain in like-new condition. 

  2. Life Saving Supplies: Now that you have your important documents packed in a safe manner, you will want to consider all supplies that are needed to maintain your short-term health and well-being. These items will include your prescription medicines, pain relievers, bandages, and antibiotic ointment. Once again, storing these in a place that will remain dry if exposed to water is crucial. Medicine can disintegrate if wet and bandages can lose their stickiness if they get wet. To store these in a way that will not hinder the product is in a mylar bag or a waterproof container or jar. If using a mylar bag, it is best to store your medicines in quantities for one week supplies and in small 6”x6” mylar bags with the appropriately sized 50cc oxygen absorber.

  3. Emergency Navigation Supplies: A flashlight, portable weather radio, map, and compass will be very important if you were to ever get stuck needing to navigate an unknown area. Do not forget the batteries that are needed to run the flashlight and radio. Lastly, you will not want to forget matches. Having the capability to start a fire for heat or cooking will be lifesaving. All of the items listed above should be stored in a mylar bag with a desiccant to prevent damage from moisture. 

  4. Water and Non-Perishable Foods: Having a source of food during an emergency is very important. Fuel for your body can literally mean life or death. You can store purified water and freeze dried or dehydrated foods in mylar bags. You can then reconstitute the food with the water over a fire or simply just drink the water. 

  5. Clothes and Hygiene: Packing a change of clothes, shoes, and rain gear for each member of the family will be a game changer. Did you know that if you package clothes in a 2 gallon mylar bag with 10 grams worth of desiccants, this way they can stay in there with no need for worry of mold. They will also remain dry if exposed to wet conditions. 

  6. Bedding: Depending on what exactly your evacuation plan is, you may need to consider packing yourself bedding and a tent or shelter of some sort. Just like clothes, you can package bedding in a 5 gallon mylar bag with a 2500cc worth of oxygen absorbers. This results in your bedding being dry and mold free, even after years of long term storage. 

  7. Pet Necessities: If you have an animal that you are bringing with you during your emergency evacuation, you will want to make sure you have the animal's food and medicine packed in a way that you can quickly grab it. 

  8. Baby and Children: Diapers, formula, bottle, and any other baby or toddler necessities are of major importance. To be assured that your kids are properly cared for during an emergency will also help maintain their health. If you place diapers in a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber, they will not become hard and stiff due to moisture exposure. 

  9. Electronic Protection: This is not a necessity, but if you choose to pack a phone charging cord or any other electronic devices be sure to have a few Nine Lives Wet Phone Fix packed incase of any water exposure to electronics. 



How to Pack Using Mylar Bags:

Mylar bags are an excellent choice for organizing and protecting your belongings during evacuation. These durable, lightweight bags are made from a metallic polyester that provides an additional layer of protection against moisture, dust, and other contaminants.

 Here's how to use them:

  1. Select the Right Size: Choose mylar bags in various sizes to accommodate different items. Smaller bags are ideal for organizing documents, medications, and small electronics, while larger bags can hold clothing, bedding, and other bulky items.

  2. Prepare Your Items: Before packing, ensure that your items are clean, dry, and properly sealed. Remove any excess air from bags containing clothing or bedding to maximize space and prevent mold or mildew.

  3. Label and Organize: Use permanent markers or adhesive labels to clearly mark the contents of each bag. Organize similar items together to make it easier to locate them during evacuation.

  4. Seal Properly: Most mylar bags come with a heat-sealable top that can easily be torn off. When using a heat sealer to seal the bag, be sure that there is nothing in the way of creating a secure seal. 

  5. Store in a Safe Place: Once packed, store your hurricane evacuation packing list mylar bags in a container or backpack so they are all together. This will make it so they are readily accessible and easy to grab when you are informed that you need to evacuate immediately.


A well-prepared hurricane preparedness packing list is essential for staying safe and comfortable during hurricane evacuation season. By including essential items such as important documents, emergency supplies, food, water, and clothing, and utilizing mylar bags for organization and protection, you can ensure that you're ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. Take the time to prepare your evacuation kit in advance, and you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're ready for whatever the storm may bring. Stay safe!